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Writer's pictureTony Frobisher

The Wind-Rush

The Wind-Rush

Let the wind-rush

And blow them back

From where they never came.

Let the wind-rush

And erase them

So history will defame.

The innocents, descendants.

But let the statues remain?

Cry out the names of the

Venerated celebrated tyrants.

No, let the wind-rush

Fell their statues

And stamp upon

Their names.


There are those decrying the toppling of a statue of a man who oversaw a slave trade that resulted in sick Africans being tossed overboard to drown, led to 19,000 deaths from slaves being transported, that saw Edward Colston and others receive compensation for the 'loss of slaves'. We forget Windrush? A scandal allowed to happen by the Tory government. Innocent people, who arrived here as babies, children, but half a century or more later, find themselves declared non-citizens, not British, illegal. Deported back to a country they may never have set foot in.

We have to do better. Respect all. Black lives matter.

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